Child Poverty Rate Doubles in 2022: Congress Neglects Child Tax Credit, States Take Action

• Child poverty rate doubled in 2022, negating previous advancements
• Congress let federal pandemic-era child tax credit expansion expire
• States have initiated their own tax credit expansion programs

Child Poverty Metrics Paint a Grim Picture

Despite the progress made in the second half of 2021, when a federal pandemic-era child tax credit expansion saw millions of children lifted out of poverty, the scenario has since dramatically reversed. U.S. census data reveals a significant leap in the child poverty rate, which skyrocketed to more than double its previous figures in 2022, effectively erasing the record gains made the previous year.

It seems that Congress’ decision to let the expanded child tax credits lapse at the end of 2021 led to these unfortunate statistics.

States Step Up Against Child Poverty

In light of the rising poverty rates among children, various states across the country have taken the initiative by introducing or expanding their own child tax credit programs. These programs are aimed at alleviating, if not entirely eradicating, the challenges tied to child poverty.

The Breezy Take

It’s frankly unfortunate that the advancements made in the fight against child poverty were lost due to legislative inaction. The surge in child poverty figures is a somber reminder of the role policy plays in shaping social outcomes. However, the efforts by states to tackle child poverty via their own tax credit expansion are commendable. Various levels of government must work together to craft sustainable solutions that ensure the well-being of our youngest citizens.

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