March 2024 – The Local Breeze

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Shoot the Breeze

Iceland’s Missing Rails: Iceland, known for its breathtaking landscapes and unique culture, has an interesting omission in its transportation system – it has no railways. This is quite unusual for a developed country, but practical reasons exist behind it. The country’s challenging terrain, volcanic activity, and small population make railway construction and maintenance impractical and economically unfeasible. Instead, Icelanders rely heavily on cars and buses for transportation. The absence of trains adds to the island’s charm, making it a unique travel destination where the journey is as remarkable as the destination itself.


Prime Number Powerhouse: In the world of mathematics, prime numbers hold a special place, and the largest known prime number is a true behemoth. This colossal number has a staggering 24,862,048 digits! It’s 2 multiplied by itself 82,589,933 times, minus 1. The discovery of such large prime numbers is not just a mathematical curiosity but also has practical applications in fields like cryptography. The search for ever-larger primes is ongoing, with mathematicians and computer scientists using sophisticated algorithms and powerful computers to find these elusive numbers. Each new discovery pushes the boundaries of mathematical knowledge and computational power.


Fenn’s Hidden Treasure: Forrest Fenn, an art dealer and author, sparked a real-life treasure hunt when he hid a chest filled with gold, jewels, and other valuables worth over 1 million dollars somewhere in the Rocky Mountains. This intriguing challenge, detailed in his memoir, lured thousands of treasure seekers on an adventurous quest. The treasure remained undiscovered for about a decade until it was finally found in 2020. Fenn’s treasure hunt not only captivated the imaginations of many but also brought to life the allure of ancient legends and the excitement of discovering hidden riches.


Rockstar Scientist: Dexter Holland, the lead singer of the punk rock band The Offspring, is not just a rockstar but also a scientist. While juggling his music career, Holland pursued a doctorate in molecular biology, demonstrating a remarkable blend of artistic and scientific talents. He completed his Ph.D. in 2017, focusing his research on HIV.


  1. Who was the first person to set foot on the moon?
  2. Which European city is split into two parts by the Danube River?
  3. What is the boiling point of water in degrees Celsius?
  4. Which mythological figure is known for his strength?
  5. Which animal has the longest lifespan?
  6. Which video game franchise features the character Master Chief?

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Back in Time

Birthday – Telephone inventor Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922) was born in Edinburgh, Scotland. Bell and his father were involved in teaching deaf people to speak. Bell developed an interest in the vibrating membrane as a method of electrically transmitting sounds. His very first sentence spoken on the newly invented telephone on March 10, 1876, was to his assistant, “Mister Watson, come here, I want you.”


March 1, 1961 – President John F. Kennedy established the Peace Corps, an organization sending young American volunteers to developing countries to assist with health care, education and other basic human needs.


March 4, 1830 – Former President John Quincy Adams returned to Congress as a representative from Massachusetts. He was the first ex-president ever to return to the House and served eight consecutive terms.


March 11, 1918 – The ‘Spanish’ influenza first reached America as 107 soldiers became sick at Fort Riley, Kansas. One-quarter of the U.S. population eventually became ill from the deadly virus, resulting in 500,000 deaths. The death toll worldwide approached 22 million by the end of 1920.


March 17th – Celebrated as Saint Patrick’s Day, commemorating the patron saint of Ireland.

Bible Verses

“Do not fear, for I am with you;

Do not be afraid, for I am your God.

I will strengthen you, I will also help you,

I will also uphold you with My righteous right hand.”

~Isaiah 41:10

Celestial Watch

March 10 – New Moon. The Moon will located on the same side of the Earth as the Sun and will not be visible in the night sky. This phase occurs at 09:02 UTC. This is the best time of the month to observe faint objects such as galaxies and star clusters because there is no moonlight to interfere.


March 20 – March Equinox. The March equinox occurs at 03:01 UTC. The Sun will shine directly on the equator and there will be nearly equal amounts of day and night throughout the world. This is also the first day of spring (vernal equinox) in the Northern Hemisphere and the first day of fall (autumnal equinox) in the Southern Hemisphere.


March 24 – Mercury at Greatest Eastern Elongation. The planet Mercury reaches greatest eastern elongation of 18.7 degrees from the Sun. This is the best time to view Mercury since it will be at its highest point above the horizon in the evening sky. Look for the planet low in the western sky just after sunset.


March 25 – Penumbral Lunar Eclipse. A penumbral lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes through the Earth’s partial shadow, or penumbra. During this type of eclipse the Moon will darken slightly but not completely. The eclipse will be visible throughout all North America, Mexico, Central America, and South America.

Kicks & Giggles

  • What can you hold in your right hand but never in your left hand? (Answer: your left elbow)
  • I have cities but no buildings, forests but no trees, and rivers but no water. What am I? (Answer: a map)
  • What is light as a feather, but even the world’s strongest man can’t hold it for very long? (Answer: Breath)

Famous Sayings

  • “Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.”  – Confucius
  • “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” – Wayne Gretzky
  • “The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt

Breezy Living

Morning Routines for Success: A productive morning routine sets the tone for the entire day. Start with activities that energize and focus your mind, like meditation, exercise, or reading. These activities can reduce stress and increase mental clarity.

Avoid starting your day with digital screens; instead, plan your day’s tasks the night before. This helps in prioritizing important tasks and reduces morning anxiety.

Consistency in your morning routine is key. Over time, this routine will become a natural part of your day, leading to improved productivity and overall well-being.

Breezy Book Club

The journey to becoming a millionaire is one paved with discipline, determination, and the right habits that help propel us toward financial success. Each of these Millionaire Success Habits has transformed countless lives and helped individuals achieve true wealth and prosperity.

Millionaire Success Habits – by Dean Graziosi

Let’s explore some of the concepts of “Millionaire Success Habits.” These ideas are not just about wealth; but about the mindset and practices that can lead to a prosperous life in general. Here are some of those habits:

Developing a Growth Mindset: The first step towards success is cultivating a belief that your abilities and intelligence can grow with time and effort. Embrace challenges and learn from them, as this mindset is crucial for overcoming obstacles on your path to financial success.

Embracing Failure: Understand that failure is not a setback but a stepping stone to success. Each failure provides valuable lessons and helps build resilience. Instead of fearing failure, use it as a tool for learning and growth.

Setting Financial Goals: Clear and specific goals are essential. They act as a roadmap to your desired level of wealth. By setting these goals, you create a sense of direction and purpose, keeping you motivated and focused.

Financial Discipline: This involves creating a budget, tracking expenses, and sticking to a plan. It’s about prioritizing savings and investments over immediate gratifications, reducing debt, and avoiding unnecessary expenses.

Networking and Relationships: Surround yourself with successful individuals who share your aspirations. Engage in mentorship and continuous learning to gain insights and strategies for wealth-building. Remember, your network can significantly influence your journey to success.

Self-care and Work-Life Balance: While pursuing financial goals, don’t neglect your well-being. A balanced life ensures you remain productive and motivated. Engage in hobbies and activities that bring joy and relaxation.

Curiosity answers: (1) Neil Armstrong (2) Budapest (3) 100°C (4) Hercules  (5) Bowhead Whale (6) Halo

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