Missouri’s Rising Star in the Poetry World: Shangri-La Hou Named National Student Poet

– Missouri high school student, Shangri-La Hou, named a National Student Poet
– Hou is one of five students selected nationwide to promote poetry
– Students were selected through a competitive process involving writing and performance skills
– As a National Student Poet, Hou will engage communities in poetry appreciation across the country

Missouri’s Rising Star in the Poetry World

Shangri-La Hou: A National Student Poet

Missouri’s own, Shangri-La Hou, a senior student at the prestigious John Burroughs School in Ladue, has been honored as a National Student Poet. This remarkable achievement not only places Hou among the top ranks of young poets in the nation but also shoulders her with the responsibility of fostering a love for poetry across America.

Five Students, One Mission

As one of only five students nationwide to garner this prestigious honor, Hou had to prove her wordsmithing abilities through a competitive review process that evaluated both her writing and performing skills. This wouldn’t be an easy task for most, but Hou’s undeniable talent for poetry rendered her a star amongst an array of talented aspirants.

Being a National Student Poet calls for more than just being good with words, though. The mission: to engage communities in appreciating poetry in its varied forms. Hou, along with the other four student poets, will travel across the country, presenting their works, conducting workshops, and passing on the poetry baton to fellow American youth.

“The Breezy Take”

Missouri should be buzzing with pride as Shangri-La Hou stands tall as a promising young poet, not just at home, but on the national stage. This recognition speaks volumes about Hou’s talent and dedication to her craft. As she embarks on a journey to spread the love for poetry across the nation, we anticipate a ripple effect, stirring more young minds towards the beautiful world of verse.

Original article: https://www.stlpr.org/arts/2023-08-29/teenage-poet-from-lake-st-louis-will-promote-poetry-to-students-nationwide

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